Co-curricular Activities

The college offers an extensive co-curricular program which promotes leadership, cooperation and teamwork. This program includes academic challenges, performing arts and sports.

Student Participation

A broad and inclusive program includes activities and events such as:

  • Cultural Diversity Week Activities
  • Debating
  • Drama Production
  • Great Victorian Bike Ride
  • House Music Festival
  • House Sporting Carnivals – Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country
  • Interschool Sport
  • Music Ensembles
  • Music Winter Concert
  • Peer Support Program
  • Science Week Activities
  • Subject Competitions & Activities
  • Tournament of Minds
  • Year Level/Subject Camps/Tours and Excursions

These extracurricular activities are critical for developing well-rounded, global citizens who can engage positively with their communities

Student Leadership

Student leadership is promoted through the appointment of:

  • School captains
  • House music captains
  • House sport captains
  • Art captains
  • Language captains
  • Form captains
  • Student Representative Council
  • Student Representative Council President
  • Peer Support Leaders
House Music Festival 2024
What an incredible celebration the House Music Festival was last night, and a delight to be entertained by our talented students with families and friends watching on. The drive and enthusiasm our students possess, to achieve their highest potential is something we are very proud of.  Thank you to our wonderful House Music captains for their incredible leadership and to all the students and staff involved. With so many rehearsals before school, lunchtimes and after school, they really have gone above and beyond. Matthew Little, had the difficult job of compiling the results and nominating a winner for the night. He was very impressed with all the performances, as well as the standard and consistency of each section presented. However, there can only be one winner, and for 2024 it is Gilmore!  I would particularly like to thank our guest Mr Matthew Little for adjudicating and Mr Andrew Albanis for overseeing this celebration of performances.  Glimore will join the long tradition of winners on the House Music shields displayed in the Music Centre at the McKinnon Road campus.  Michael KanPrincipal   
String Night
On Monday 6 May we held our annual String Night at the McKinnon Road Campus. This was an incredible showcase of the talented string students McKinnon has to offer. The evening featured large string ensembles, extension ensembles, chamber music and VCE soloists and duets.  Many thanks to Georgina Mead for her organisation of the event as well as the string staff, Clare Bugeja, Christine Vincent, Amelia In, Bethan Lewis, Andrew Albanis and Jill Griffiths for their preparation of the students. Thank you also to Jodi Lockyer for providing piano accompaniment.  Michael KanPrincipal