School Uniform Supplier

Bob Stewart

Our uniform supplier is Bob Stewart.

  • Location: 466 Centre Road Bentleigh
  • Phone number:  9036 7384
  • Trading hours: 8.30am – 5pm, Mon to Fri / 9.30am - 12.30pm, Sat

Uniform Order:


Second Hand Uniform & Books

McKinnon Secondary College is using an online service (Sustainable School Shop) to allow parents to buy and sell secondhand textbooks and secondhand uniform items. This provides great flexibility for families.



Sustainable School Shop has been provided with the College booklists to help families buy/sell the correct items. Visit their website for further information and instructions. 


Please take note that, due to the introduction of the Victorian Curriculum, updates to a number of VCE studies and the move to some online resources, there are relatively few items that may be traded secondhand (in comparison with previous years).