One Day Schools Cup for Years 7 and 8 (10 May at MSAC) 

What an exciting day for the Year 7 Volleyball Squad, playing their first indoor tournament for the year! 


A positive experience of teamwork for all, some wins, some losses but the true McK spirit was evident all day. The day was run well with Volleyball Victoria supplying referees and duty, so the Years 7 & 8 students made the most of the tournament with more gameplay and an opportunity to cheer on other teams. 

Well done to the Year 7 Girls Blue team for getting a Bronze medal. Big thanks go to Rob Kentera for coaching them prior to the tournament and on the day. 


The Year 8s had a mixture of teams with experienced players as well as teams playing volleyball for the first time. Year 8 Boys Blue team and the Year 8 Girls Blue team both won a Gold medal - amazing work! 

Thanks to the teachers/coaches: Liam Adlington, Ellie Adler and James Bridges. We really value our student coaches’ time and efforts on the day so each team could have a coach. A big thank you to: Sophie Kay, Jayvier Yang, Kynan Enwright, Andreja Horvat and Braden Fischer.



The Intermediate Girls Volleyball played in the State Final on Wednesday 15th May.


In our pool we lost to Eltham and beat the two country teams to make the semi final. We lost a close match to Kew in the third set by 2 points, therefore finished equal third in the State. 


Well done on playing some excellent volleyball ladies!


Sandy Hope
