McKinnon spent the week celebrating Book Week and promoting reading through a variety of fun activities. Recently, Pope Francis himself has said that reading novels and poems is valuable in “one’s path to personal maturity” and that it should be encouraged, and I couldn’t agree with the Pope more. The theme for Book Week was ‘reading is magic’ a sentiment that the English faculty proudly embraced during the week, celebrating with our students through all sorts of activities, competitions and reading experiences.


The week unfolded as follows:


On Monday students competed in the Book Trivia hosted at both campuses. With prizes of lollies and chocolates, it was great to see so many students participate in the fun. The East Campus had the students vs staff debate, competing over the topic ‘Reading is overrated’. Our students were the negative side proving just how important reading is to all.

Come Tuesday, students participated in the Book Drive. Our strong sense of community was evident as students happily donated their previously loved books to find a new book to love. It was a wonderful opportunity for students to discover new reads and to share their favourites with others. 

Whilst the drive was in full swing, our senior debaters took on the staff to compete in the staff vs students book debate. Again, the topic was ‘Reading is overrated’ and the students were challenged with proving this point untrue against a formidable team of teachers. 

Wednesday was time for some ambient reading. A variety of teachers across different faculties, with the backdrop of a screen displaying a fireplace, comfy chairs and lamps, read passages from their favourite books to students and engaged in interesting discussions about why they love these books so much. It’s important for students to see that everyone loves reading, not just the English teachers. 

Thursday saw our staff and students take to the kitchens to make or bake a fabulous creation related to a book of their choice. Who knew literature could be so tasty! Thank you to our brilliant bakers.

Friday was our much-anticipated dress-up day. There was a costume competition during recess on both campuses where students were invited to dress in their best book-related costumes. We also screened a film based on a book at lunchtime on both campuses to celebrate the end of a fun and exciting week of celebrating reading. 

Another wonderful activity on Friday was the blind book dating event that took place in the McKinnon Road library. Books were wrapped up in the library with only thrilling descriptions and recommendations posted on the front. Students and staff were treated to a surprise read, borrowing books without knowing exactly what they were getting.

I want to sincerely thank all staff and students for participating in such a joyous week of reading. You are never too young or too old to enjoy reading.


Charlotte Douglas

English KLA Manager