McKinnon Secondary College

Respect - Integrity - Resilience - Community - Creativity - Success


McKinnon Secondary College lives by its motto ‘Wisdom and Service’. We foster a love of learning and respect for diversity. We strive to nurture empathetic, creative and confident young people who are connected to our community and Indigenous heritage. We want our students to embrace opportunities for continuous improvement and accept the challenges of a complex and globalised world.


Junior Ensembles Concert
Congratulations to all our young musicians on their outstanding performances at the Junior Concert held on Wednesday night. Your dedication and hard work shone through in every note.  From the Year 7 Concert Band's polished renditions to the String Ensemble's melodies, each group demonstrated remarkable skill. The Junior Choir's harmonies and the Intermediate Stage Band's confident solos were truly impressive.  Special commendations to Mr West, Ms Waugh, Mr Lee, Ms West, and Mr Byrne for their expert guidance. Thanks to Ms Humphrey for her engaging compèring, and to Ms Bugeja, Mr Serebrianik and the MAV team for overseeing the event. Well done to the entire music department for their passion in nurturing the talents of our young musicians. Lachlan NobleActing Principal 
Alumni Art
It was a pleasure to host a morning tea for two of our Alumni - Jan Palethorpe - class of 1973 and Marian Crawford Class of 1972. Both Jan and Marian are successful artists and Marian is now a lecturer at Monash Fine Art.  The school recently acquired some of their art to display at the East Campus. It is wonderful to have our alumni artist’s work on display at the East Campus, infusing it with culture and connecting the campus to our proud history.   
East Campus Concert
East Campus was the stage for a remarkable concert, where over 270 talented performers showcased their musical prowess. The String ensembles, Concert bands, The Choir, Percussion ensembles, World Music Ensemble, and the Junior Stage Band captivated the audience with their dedication and hard work, delivering a diverse repertoire of exceptional performances. The success of this event was a testament to the unwavering support of the school community. The audio-visual crew and maintenance team worked tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring a seamless production and creating an unforgettable experience. Their invaluable contributions were the backbone of this musical extravaganza. This concert was a celebration of the power of music to unite and inspire. Congratulations to all the wonderful students and music staff for this remarkable achievement, a true testament to the transformative power of music.  
Year 9 Languages Expo
On Wednesday 5 June, the Year 9 language classes presented a project they’d been working on for weeks: an Expo. This expo ran throughout lunch, with stalls of the students spread around the 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 area, inside and outside the classrooms. We made expos on a certain topic related to the language we were learning. Since I am doing French I did one about the History of Luxembourg with my partner Madison. We all set up our stalls and got ready to teach visiting students and teachers about our topics, with brochures, posters and quizzes. As soon as the bell rang for the beginning of lunch, students from both year levels instantly flooded the area, eager to look at what the language students had to offer. The entirety of lunch, there were people all around our expos looking at our displays and winning food prizes for themselves, all the while educating themselves on various French, German and Spanish related topics which ranged from foods to architecture, and from famous sports players to fashion.   When students and teachers visited my stall, Madison and I greeted them in French and told them facts about the history of Luxembourg, and if they answered a question we asked correctly, they won a chocolate! The atmosphere was buzzing and everyone was enjoying themselves whether it was the stall owners or students or teachers.  It was such an amazing experience which we were looking forward to from the start, so if you came this year, I hope you had fun and if you didn’t I hope you can either make or visit a stall next year! Merci beaucoup!  AlisaYear 9 Student Last week, The Year 9 language classes hosted the Language Expo. Students were required to explore an aspect of a French, German or Spanish speaking country and make a stall showcasing this aspect of culture. These stalls ranged from The Eiffel Tower, Real Madrid, Spanish Food, Luxembourg, crepes and even Kylian Mbappe. The stalls were then opened to the school where over 300 students turned up to see our displays of culture. It was hectic, chaotic and a lot of fun to learn and present.  After the vote the Swiss Squad, Das Auto, Coco Chanel and French desserts won. Thank you to the Year 9 language teachers for making this possible. JackYear 9 FrenchOn Wednesday 5 June, all the language classes participated in the Language Expo. For this, every student got into groups to research an aspect of the culture of their country. Many people researched and presented about certain foods, but others also talked about the sports, royalty or fashion of their culture. It was very interesting to walk around and learn from other friends. Many groups had a very interesting display, by bringing in food or creating interactive activities. One group even made a puppet show!  My stall was about Food in Paris which I completed with my friend Amber. Did you know that Parisian people love to eat snails? On average, one French person eats around 500 snails a year!   Congratulations to the top four stalls voted by the staff and the students: Coco Chanel, Das Auto, Swiss Squad and French Desserts. As part of the Expo, there was also a quiz conducted, which contained questions about all the different stalls. Congratulations to Clementine and Ariel  who were tied winners for the quiz.  Overall, the Expo was a great success this year and a lot of fun to be a part of!  ChinthyaYear 9 FrenchBilingual Article Notre groupe a étudié l'équipe de France. Surnommés les Bleus, ils sont entraînés par Didier Deschamps. Sous sa direction, l'équipe a connu de grands succès, comme la finale coupe du monde 2022 et 2018. Les Bleus sont réputés pour leur talent exceptionnel ; des joueurs comme Mbappé et Kanté en sont de bons exemples. Cette équipe talentueuse reflète l'excellence du football français. Notre groupe a beaucoup aimé ce projet. Nous pensons que l'équipe de France est un modèle d'excellence sportive. This term, our group studied the French national team. Known as Les Bleus, they are coached by Didier Deschamps. Under his leadership, the team has achieved great successes, like reaching the FIFA World Cup 2022 and 2018 final. Les Bleus are renowned for their exceptional talent; players like Mbappé and Kanté are good examples. This talented team reflects the excellence of French football. Our group really enjoyed this project. We think the French national team is a model of sports excellence.   Amirali, Morgan and OscarYear 9 French
National Reconciliation Week
Last week we recognised and celebrated National Reconciliation week which is recognised on 27 May - 3 June each year. This is an important time to reflect on our indigenous heritage.  The theme for Reconciliation Week this year was “Now, more than ever” reminding us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will and must continue. It is a time all Australians can learn about our first nations peoples' histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.Wear It Yellow DayAs a part of our commitment to building understanding and respect for First Nations peoples, the McKinnon community came together during Reconciliation Week to participate in the Wear It Yellow/Red/Black Day campaign. This event, where students and staff wore a splash of red, yellow or black and brought a gold coin donation for the not-for-profit organisation Children’s Ground, raised awareness and much-needed funds for Indigenous communities. The event was supported by our student led Interact Club, who held a festive and very successful BBQ fundraiser at lunchtime on both campuses.  At the end of the week, I was very pleased to be able to announce that these joint efforts meant we raised over $3000 for Children’s Ground. Through Children’s Ground, our money will contribute to creating long-term change for at-risk Indigenous children, their families and communities.  Thank you to Ms Emily Condell, the Global Youth Forum, our Student Councils and the entire McKinnon community for supporting this important cause.  Michael KanPrincipal
German Exchange
Our German Exchange group returned from our stay at our sister-school in central Germany at the end of April. Friendships were established that promise to last a long time, and at the farewell party before the end of our stay it was wonderful to talk with many happy German families whose children were the partners of our McKinnon students. Our students expanded their German vocabulary and experienced family life in Germany and were warmly integrated into family and community activities. Our student Isabella Petroulis, Year 10 said of her German exchange partner: "We got along straight away and it was so crazy to see her in person after only seeing each other online for months." Lucy Green, Year 10 reported before our return to Australia that she believes "our experience in Germany will last a lifetime".  Our students made presentations in classes at our sister-school, booked by several teachers, so that the local students could learn (including via hands-on activities) about aspects of Australian life and culture directly from our students. The PE teachers at our sister-school were impressed with the way our students ran the introductory sessions on AFL football! We have a good foundation for the return visit to McKinnon SC by those German exchange partners in September 2024. During a three-day trip to Berlin organised by our teacher counterparts at the sister-school, our students learned more about German history from a visit to a museum about life in the former GDR, and they visited the Bundestag and saw the large chamber where internationally significant matters are decided in the German federal parliament. Our students also had the opportunity to chat with and ask questions of a federal parliamentarian who did a superb job of explaining political matters and challenges at a level suitable for our students.  Our students took part in an evening of local folk-dancing practice! We experienced evidence of the long-term friendship results that our exchange program has engendered when a German woman who participated in our exchange program 20 years ago (when she was a student at our sister-school) contacted us while we were there. She told us of her ongoing friendship with her former McKinnon SC exchange partner, and of other former exchange partners who still have reunion visits in Germany or in Australia. You can read introductory information about the German Exchange at this link. David NuttingGerman Teacher
Senior Ensembles Concert
On the evening of the Tuesday 21 May, the Senior Ensembles Concert delivered an unforgettable performance that captivated and inspired the audience. The event showcased the extraordinary talents and hard work of our senior musicians, culminating in a night filled with musical brilliance and emotional depth. The concert opened with a stunning rendition of the ‘Wedding March’ from a midsummer night’s dream’, setting a high standard for the evening. Conducted by Tracy Videon, The Orchestra’s precision and harmony were immediately evident, drawing the audience into a world of musical excellence. Each piece that followed highlighted the versatility and skill of our senior performers. A rendition of ‘Pinball Wizard’ by the ‘Who’ proved to be a crowd favourite.  The Senior Percussion ensemble, directed by Sergei Golovko, brought a dynamic and powerful interpretation of ‘Mambo Jumbo’, leaving the audience in awe of their technical prowess and emotive expression. The Senior Choir delivered a moving performance of ‘Crazy’ accompanied by Elvis Leung on piano, with their voices blending seamlessly to create a rich and textured sound that resonated throughout the hall.  The concert concluded with a breathtaking performance by the Senior Stage Band. There were a number of students taking solos throughout the three pieces performed. ‘Picasso’ featured Louie Allen on Flugelhorn. An outstanding performance. The senior band brought the evening to a triumphant close.  The dedication and passion of our senior musicians were evident in every note, showcasing their journey and growth over the years. Their ability to convey profound emotion and connect with the audience is a testament to their hard work and the guidance of their talented instrumental and classroom music teachers.  Congratulations to all the performers, instrumental music staff, Music staff, sound and lighting directors, and everyone involved in making this night a resounding success. The Senior Ensembles have set a high bar for future performances, and we eagerly anticipate next year’s concert. Bravo to our senior musicians for an evening of unforgettable music and inspiring performances! Ben BrowneActing Head of the Performing Arts
Volleyball News
One Day Schools Cup for Years 7 and 8 (10 May at MSAC) What an exciting day for the Year 7 Volleyball Squad, playing their first indoor tournament for the year!  A positive experience of teamwork for all, some wins, some losses but the true McK spirit was evident all day. The day was run well with Volleyball Victoria supplying referees and duty, so the Years 7 & 8 students made the most of the tournament with more gameplay and an opportunity to cheer on other teams.  Well done to the Year 7 Girls Blue team for getting a Bronze medal. Big thanks go to Rob Kentera for coaching them prior to the tournament and on the day.  The Year 8s had a mixture of teams with experienced players as well as teams playing volleyball for the first time. Year 8 Boys Blue team and the Year 8 Girls Blue team both won a Gold medal - amazing work!  Thanks to the teachers/coaches: Liam Adlington, Ellie Adler and James Bridges. We really value our student coaches’ time and efforts on the day so each team could have a coach. A big thank you to: Sophie Kay, Jayvier Yang, Kynan Enwright, Andreja Horvat and Braden Fischer. INTERMEDIATE GIRLS VOLLEYBALL STATE FINALThe Intermediate Girls Volleyball played in the State Final on Wednesday 15th May. In our pool we lost to Eltham and beat the two country teams to make the semi final. We lost a close match to Kew in the third set by 2 points, therefore finished equal third in the State.  Well done on playing some excellent volleyball ladies!  Sandy HopeCoach   
Kingston Division Senior Soccer
It was a cool sunny morning when our bus arrived in Aspendale Gardens and saw the pristine pitches. As a local resident I had briefed the boys that there would be no excuses if we couldn’t play football. McKinnon didn’t disappoint in that regard but more importantly showed a resilience in the face of adversity that as someone who has coached many of this group before, I have not always seen. I have never doubted their football ability, but I have stressed that ability does not win games of football, but mental strength and ability does. This was apparent on Thursday 16 May when McKinnon won three games and drew the last to become Kingston Champions. Our first game was against Westall. Alex Varelas, (Year 12) was superb scoring a quick fire hattrick with both feet before being subbed before half time. Oliver Iser-Lau (Year 11) scored one as did Isaac Albanis (Year 11) but it was a team effort in a thumping 8-2 victory. Our next game was against Beaumaris where truth be told McKinnon squandered many chances but still won 2-0. It was a frustrating performance at times, but a few players stood out. Gordon Choi (Year 11) did well as did Peter Kats (Year 11) keeping a clean sheet in goal.  Parkdale were up next which came with a 2-1 victory after initially going behind. Alex Varelas with a quick riposte after we had conceded with a cracking goal. The game went up in intensity and our defence, led by Captain Ben Mason (Year 12) was superb. Igor Pasichnyuk (Year 11) and Caolan McLaughlin (Year 12) were able deputies for Ben in defence. Markis Angelatos (Year 12) was superb in midfield as we got a win in a hard-fought contest. Alex Varelas scoring the winner from a penalty. Will O’Brien (Year 12) did well in an unfamiliar centre forward position where his speed and strength troubled their defence. Cristian Karavendzas (Year 11) did well covering the ground in midfield with Daniel Bronshtein-Kopman (Year 11) did well out wide as well. Oliver Iser-Lau worked hard in this game as he did in all his other games.  This result meant we headed into our last game against Brighton, our nemesis from last year needing only a point. Brighton are a superb side and posed a considerable threat. However so did McKinnon and from superb wing play from Luke Sagiadelis (Year 12) it was Isaac Albanis who scored a spectacular volley to give McKinnon the lead and the initiative in this tight tussle. Luke Sagiadelis playing in a more defensive position at right back was superb in this game as were the usual suspects of Ben Mason, Igor Pasichnyuk and Caolan McLaughlin. The momentum swung back Brighton’s way just before half time when they scored a thumping header from a corner to make it 1-1 just before half time. McKinnon were clearly on the back foot and despite the efforts of our defence, I thought it was only a matter of time. We conceded a penalty and up stepped the Brighton forward. I have not mentioned the efforts of Gerry Angelatos (Year 12) in goals who was a bundle of nonstop focus in his three games in goal. I crossed my fingers and watched on as Gerry made a double save, saving the penalty and the follow up. He made many saves late in this game as we hung on for the critical point which gave us the Kingston Championship. He was brilliant all day. The team celebrated but it would be remiss not to mention the crucial calmness and sounding board that an injured Campbell Henderson (Year 12) provided for me on the day, allowing me to bounce ideas on the day off him as assistant coach. The team now progress to SMR on Wednesday 24 July where we hope we can continue with our efforts and hopefully proceed onto State. It will be a big ask as we struggled in that last game but as I said to the boys post-game they demonstrated to me and themselves that they have a winning attitude and a team first attitude. Now the hard work really begins as I hope to train this team more regularly to give us the best chance of success.  Congratulations to all the boys who made the Kingston team: Top row: (L to R) Caolan McLaughlin, Luke Sagiadelis, Alex Varelas, Markis Angelatos, Dan Ferder, Ben Mason (c), Will O’Brien, Gerry Angelatos and Campbell Henderson (Assistant Coach)  Bottom Row: (L to R) Isaac Albanis, Gordon Choi, Daniel Bronshtein-Kopman, Caelan Appleford, Cristian Karavendzas, Igor Pasichnyuk, Peter Kats, Oliver Iser-Lau, Izak Solomon and Nathan Yahalom.  Jonathan JhoomunProud Coach 
Team Victoria
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to represent Team Vic through the School Sport Victoria pathway.  These students will be competing in national competitions in the coming months: Ishi Tiwari, Year 9 (Cricket)Harish Salwathura, Year 9 (Cricket)Brooklyn Riwaka, Year 10 (Softball & Baseball)Olin Buisman, Year 10 (Triathlon)Michael Gordeyev, Year 9 (Volleyball)Kynan Enwright, Year 9 (Volleyball)Jayvier Yang, Year 9 (Volleyball)Rosie O'Brien, Year 9 (Volleyball)This is a huge achievement to be recognised as one of the top performing athletes in their field in the state. Congratulations on your success!  
In the News
Claire Halliday from Education Daily has written an article about the opening of the East Campus Mural.  Thank you to the students and staff who were interviewed by Claire.  Peter EglezosLearning Area Manager - Visual Arts
Reading in the Age of TikTok and Fortnite 
Since the 1980s in Australia, there has been conflict over the best ways to teach reading. The main question has been whether schools teach the “whole language” approach or go down the path of “structured literacy” that teaches students phonics. While primary schools primarily dictate which approach to adopt, there has recently been a rise in the debate around reading instruction in the media, sparking renewed political interest in what our students are taught. In February this year, the ABC reported on the Grattan Institute’s findings that one third of Australian school children can’t read properly. They also estimate that this will cost our Australian economy $40 billion dollars over time. However, the report highlighted compelling evidence of enhanced reading proficiency among students who participate in "structured literacy" programs. It found that at least 90 percent of students achieved proficient reading skills following explicit instruction in this approach. Fortunately, the McKinnon community has relatively low levels of reading difficulties. However, for our students who struggle with reading decoding and comprehension, we have a fantastic literacy intervention program led by the incredible Georgina Tsitas and we have seen a significant amount of growth through the many interventions that students engage in.  So, how does reading relate to our broader community, and why are we talking about it?  Our goal: to foster a love of reading for each and every student! This year, researchers from Deakin University published a report titled Discovering a Good Read: Exploring Book Discovery and Reading for Pleasure Among Australian Teens which was based on a survey of around 12,000 teenagers from various states in Australia, examining their reading habits. The report found that one third of teenagers surveyed were classified as ‘book abstainers’ for they don’t read books for pleasure at all or have neutral to negative feelings about reading.  While it's easy to argue that reading is beneficial, to truly believe it, we must turn our attention to the evidence:A mere 6 minutes of silent reading can reduce stress levels by 68%.Engaging in only 30 minutes of reading daily can extend one's lifespan by an average of two years.Regular book lovers tend to report higher levels of life satisfaction, happiness and a sense of purpose.Active readers are 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimers or dementia. Students who read for pleasure not only excel academically, but also achieve greater success in their careers. Research says that we must allocate time during the school day for teenagers to engage in reading. Therefore, at McKinnon, the first 10 minutes of every English class for grades 7 through 10 are designated for wide reading. During this time, students are encouraged to explore a variety of reading materials according to their preferences. Whether it's novels spanning different genres, non-fiction works, comic books, autobiographies, or newspapers, the emphasis lies on granting students the opportunity to immerse themselves in reading that resonates with them. Ultimately, the aim is to cultivate a genuine passion for reading among students. As a society, we want our youth to find joy and inspiration in reading for pleasure, yet the pervasive reliance and addiction to technology have posed significant barriers to this desired outcome. Luckily, there are practical strategies readily available for all of us to incorporate into our lives, aimed at enhancing our kids' engagement in reading for pleasure.  As outlined in Deakin’s report, there are many research-backed recommendations; support teens to find their next great read and let them follow their interests, invest in school libraries and librarians, parents should be encouraged to model reading behaviour, make reading social through discussions about books with friends and family, carve out time for teens to read at school and at home.  Finally, as highlighted by a government survey, the rate of students engaging in recreational reading has seen a decline, falling from 79% in 2018 to 72% in 2022. Yet, within our vibrant community, there exists a wealth of individuals dedicated to enhancing the well-being of our students. Let's champion the joy of reading and amplify the profound satisfaction it brings to us as human beings!  Annabel BartonLiteracy Learning Specialist